Buying Guide – Air Compressor Hoses And Adapters

Well you just purchased your Air Compressor and new Tool Set and maybe your manufacturer was nice enough to include a basic hose and a few adapters to get you started but there are a number of features that you should consider to get the most out of your tools.

For most non-commercial applications when buying hoses you will be looking at a range from 1/4″ at the small end to 1″ at the very …

How To – Dealing With Damaged And Ugly Popcorn Ceilings

Popcorn ceilings are a fad that have seen their day unfortunately once they are installed they tend to stay around longer then basements full of 1960’s wood paneling.

There are two reasons designers or home owners install popcorn ceilings.

The first is to reduce repair major problems.

If a home owner or remodeler is confronted with a ceiling that has a heavy damage then they have the choice of replacing the drywall,  making spot repairs which will …

Buying Guide – Retread Tires Are The Worth The Discount?

When your budget is tight or you just don’t what to spend a lot of money on tires for your old tired car or truck you might look at the discounts available on Retread or Remanufactured tires.

In some situations a Retread can be a good deal but for many of us it is best we steer away from them.

Retreads have been used on Tractor Trailers for a number of years. The reason being is …

How To – Finding Lost Space With Closet Organizers

Its strange to think about but putting something else in your already packed closet can actually give you more room…

There are a number of things that you can do in just a few hours to free up space in your own closet.

First would be your clothing rack heights. Most of our clothes are half the length of the average 6 foot high hanger bar. By dividing the space in two vertically you can actually …

How To – Finding Wall Studs Behind Drywall

Whether you are hanging a picture or installing a light switch there are many times when you need to locate the studs that are in your finished walls.

Some people will suggest a tap and listen method to find where the stud is located but this is probably not a great idea. Since your wall may be made of paneling, drywall or plaster over lath depending on your untrained ear will leave you with a …

How To – When Is The Best Time To Prune?

For the sake of this HowTo we are talking about pruning in the context of making large changes, reshaping or curing problems such as disease.

When to prune plants is one of the most common questions for gardeners and if you ask 20 people you will likely get 20 answers as to when the best time for pruning is…

The truth be told the best time to prune is when the job needs to be done …

Buying Guide – VOIP Internet Based Phone Services Are They A Good Deal?

Everyone wants to save money on their utility bills and VOIP internet based phone services have exclaimed best service at the lowest cost but what are you really getting and how much are you really paying.

Voice Over Internet Protocol services have been around for about 10 years now. Some services provide computer to computer connections only while others allow you to connect from your network connection to a land line or cell phone at …

How To – NAS Network Attached Storage For Backups

With so much data on our computers today we need a way to backup without dealing with dozens of dvd disks.

Some people may use a USB or Sata External drive to save a about a TB of data and this is good if you need quick access to this information or need to unplug it and take it with you.

A Network Accessible Storage device is a full computer or specialized networked device that can …

How To – Painting Sandblasted Or Deteriorated Brick Walls

Both for esthetic and property value reasons painting a brick wall is the very last thing that you ever want to consider. When you apply paint to a brick surface it is almost always impossible to remove without destroying the face of the brick that protects it from water damage. However there are times when you really have no other choice but to paint your brick wall to provide protection and extend its life.
Preparing …

How To – Asbestos Removal Techniques

The use of asbestos in homes and business properties was limited and controlled after 1972 but many older buildings still contain asbestos insulation. If you happen to find any asbestos in your home then you should contact a qualified contractor to remove it.

Removing asbestos by yourself is a risky proposition. Not only do you risk inhaling particles during the process but you also risk contaminating your whole home. Asbestos particles are extremely small, measured …

How To – Patching Small Holes And Chips In Terracotta Tile

Although the best way to repair holes in tile is to replace the tile with one that was saved from the original batch doing so is often not possible.

In this case you have two options you can either replace the tile with a similar one that you find elsewhere or you can patch the tile. In this HowTo we will cover the proper way to make a patch with mortar to an existing damaged …

How To – Polishing And Restoring Marble Countertops And Floors

Marble is as hard as stone but the finish we all enjoy on our Countertops and Floors can be damaged over time.

Restoring the bright shiny look requires the same prep and polish steps performed by the technicians that made your custom marble pieces and the good thing is you can do it yourself with only a few simple tools.

If you have deep gouges, chips or other damage you may be able to obtain some …