Every Fall you should inspect your home and repair any problems that you will really hate taking care of once it gets cold out. Even if nothing is wrong there may be some things that you can upgrade, clean or just take care of to make to make your life a little easier.
We will go over some of the things that you can do and suggest when you should perform each task but the idea is that you set aside an hour or so every weekend or as needed to get some of these things out of the way.
One of the easiest things to do is to perform a walk around inspection of your house. What you want to do is walk to each side of the home and look it over starting at the roof-line and ending up with the plants and grass around the house.
Since your walk around will give you a list of things to do we will start there. Once you are done outside we will go inside and do the same thing for each wall of every room. Its a simple thing and shouldn’t take more then about 2 hours.