Every home in the USA has a potential to have Radon Gas problems but where you choose to live can mean you have a higher potential for this dangerous gas.
No matter where you build you should always have a Radon Test performed before you finalize your purchase.
Once you have realized you are at risk you should take necessary steps to reduce any exposure.
If you are building a new home then there are methods to vent gasses from below your foundation and slab. If you are purchasing an older home you may need to perform expensive retrofits of your house before it is safe to live in.
The following links will provide you with some geographic information on your location. |
Alabama | Louisiana | Oklahoma |
Alaska | Maine | Ohio |
Arizona | Maryland | Oregon |
Arkansas | Massachusetts | Pennsylvania |
California | Michigan | Rhode Island |
Colorado | Minnesota | South Carolina |
Connecticut | Mississippi | South Dakota |
Delaware | Missouri | Tennesee |
Florida | Montana | Texas |
Georgia | Nebraska | Utah |
Hawaii | Nevada | Vermont |
Idaho | New Hampshire | Virginia |
Illinois | New Jersey | Washington |
Indiana | New Mexico | West Virginia |
Iowa | New York | Wisconsin |
Kansas | North Carolina | Wyoming |
Kentucky | North Dakota |