How To – Seasons First Harvest Of Radishes

Well it is that time of year again and if you haven’t begun your garden there is no time like now to get started.

This year we were lucky to have a winter cover crop of Collards and Spinach that survived and is growing well but our first harvest of this season is our radishes.

Radishes are one of the easiest crops to grow and you can start them after there is no chance of frost in your area. This year had a few warm weeks before spring arrived so we prepared the tomato beds by turning the soil and adding some 10-10-10 general fertilizer and planted some radish seeds that were left over from last season.

Radishes like the cold wet weather of early spring and will grow to harvest in just about a month.

Although it would be nice if our lettuce and other salad greens were also ready it is a crop that you can think of as extra because it is planted where tomatoes will be in just a few weeks.

Later in the spring before hot summer we can plant another smaller crop of radishes where our winter cover crop of collards are growing and we already have Basil, Oregano and Mint ready to be planted in that area too.

Scheduling your planting correctly will allow you to get more then one crop from the same area.

While one crop is growing start the next in plant trays.

Although we usually purchase tomato and pepper plants for early transplanting we also grow some in trays that can later be set in our bean or pea patches. This way by the end of summer we  should have a good third or half a garden full of tomato plants that can be used in sauces for freezing with cooked zucchini that we will eat late into the winter.

Anyway we thought  you might like to see what spring has brought and if you would like to try your hand in the garden but don’t have much of a green thumb radishes are super easy to grow in spring (not so much in summer) and they grow fast so you and the kids can enjoy them.

Remember to pick them early especially if kids will be eating them because they are less bitter.


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