
How To – Not Getting Ripped Off by Door To Door Contractors

The contracting business is in a pretty difficult stage today however it has always been a problem that in good times and bad people get ripped off by fly by night .. here today gone tomorrow contractors.

This howto is not to say that all contractors that contact you first are bad. Many are looking for extra work to fill in their schedule and this is reasonable. However if you are going to contract with …

How To – Protecting Your Garden from Japanese Beetles

The Japanese beetle has been a problem in gardens since the early 1900’s when it first entered the USA through New Jersey. Since that time it has found very few natural enemys which has allowed it to grow freely in the eastern united states .. those states east of the Mississippi River.. however western states like Arkansas and Iowa have seen populations causing problems.

Both the Grubs or larval stage and Adults are a pest …

How To – Replacing your cars Keyless Entry Alarm and Door Lock Remote

You may have purchased a used car that only came with one or even no keyless entry alarm remotes and you need to replace or buy new ones.

The good thing is there are a few solutions for this problem but the bad news is that the process is going to cost you some money.

Depending on the age and availability of parts for your vehicle you can either get an OEM keychain remote or you …

How To – Transitioning Metal or PVC to Cast Iron Waste Pipe

There are times when you are fixing or upgrading pipe in your home for a new kitchen or bathroom and you will need to install new PVC waste line then attach it to your existing Cast Iron waste stack or waste line.

Unfortunately this is not an easy job because cast iron is a relatively difficult pipe to work with. Cutting cast iron pipe usually means using a reciprocating saw or a special tool and …

How To – Caring for your Garden Tiller

Care for a garden tiller is about the same as for a gasoline operated lawn mower.

Your manual should provide you specific instructions for maintenance but the following should apply.

Clean the mud off your tiller after every use.

Always inspect the tiller tines before you operate the tiller for looseness or damage.

If you strike a rock or object with your tiller you should inspect the tines for damage.

Store the tiller in a dry warm place like …

How To – Watering Your Vegetable Garden

There are many options for the home gardener when it comes to watering your vegetable garden. If you visit your local home center you are likely to find dozens of hoses and attachments.. some that you may have seen before but many that you have never used.

The way you deliver water will depend on the plants you are growing. Some vegetables like lettuce like a light rainfall of water while squash plants benefit by …

How To – Buying Appliances Online doesn’t always mean Install It Yourself

Many online retailers understand that as a home owner you may not have the skills or time to install your appliances yourself.

In addition to install concerns is the removal of your old appliance. Some municipalities charge you extra and make you schedule appliance pickups that can mean the difference in cost of buying online and buying at a local store so some online dealers have started to offer both install and takeaway as part …

How To – Checkup Checklist for Heating Systems

Whether you have oil or gas heat you should inspect your systems at least once a year to make sure they are in proper working condition.

Many oil heating companies will offer a cleaning service and perform the work in the summer to offset labor times that are normally Oil and Emergency calls in the winter.

The following checklist can be performed by a technician or you if you feel you are capable.

Cleaning of furnaces and …

How To – Controlling Weeds by Cultivating & Mulching

The best way to control weeds in your garden is without chemicals. This is especially true in vegetable gardens where you want to minimize the use of pesticides and rarely if ever use herbicides.

The use of herbicides can actually cause serious harm to your soil and you could ingest it but if you are wondering why your tomatoes are not growing and you use roundup anywhere near your beds that could be the problem …

How To – Change the look of your Bedroom for Under $500

Bedrooms are one of the most utilized places in our homes. Along with giving us a place to sleep many of us now have computers for school or business and televisions for entertainment.

Whether you are making an upgrade because your kids are getting older or you just want to improve a neglected part of your home it shouldn’t cost you so much that you have to think twice about it. So, lets look at …