
How To – Selecting the best Starter Plants for transplanting in your Garden

Starting all of your plants from seed may be nice if you have a heated green house and can follow all of the steps to get good starter plants but for most of us there are at least some plants that take too long to get going in the spring. This is why starter plants are great for all gardeners.

Professional farms located in the south west or maybe locally to you can provide you …

How To – Preparing Your home to survive a Wild Fire

Unfortunately many communities are hit by wild fires and your location in the United States really does not matter all areas are effected to some degree.

Trying to protect your home from wild fires may not work in every situation but if you take steps before you are effected you may find that your home survives. We have all seen pictures where a few homes on a street survive without damage while the rest of …

How To – Checkup Checklist for Cooling & Heat Pumps Systems

Heat Pump systems can provide a home’s full heating needs or act as a primary source of heating and when paired with the correct unit it can also act as an air conditioning system in the summer months.

Independent Air Conditioning systems are similar to heat pumps but only provide cooling in the summer months.

Each of these systems need specialized service at scheduled times. Some of the work you can perform on your own while …

How To – Understanding and Growing Heirloom Vegetables

There are a number of different vegetables that are available from seed companies in Heirloom variety. For most of us we just want a plant that will grow well, taste good and not need a lot of work. If you are one of these people then heirloom variety plants may not be your best bet however if you crave the taste of tomatoes of your youth or those great cucumbers that your grandpa useto …

How To – Changing the location of your Bathroom Toilet Flange

When you are remodeling your bathroom there are times when you want to relocate the fixtures to provide better access. Toilet flanges are the attachment of the waste line to the removable toilet.

Basically a large 3 to 4 inch pipe used to carry waste out of your home is positioned under your bathroom. To connect your toilet, tub and sink to this line a smaller line will pass through the floor of the bathroom. …

How To – Bathroom Remodeling how to stay within a Small Budget

Deciding if you should remodel your bathroom can come down to a few different factors.

Do you need to remodel for function? This is often the case in older homes that have not seen upgrades for many years. You may also need to remodel your bathroom because your living needs have changed. This can happen when we get older or it could be because your family is getting larger. In either or any situation that …

How To – Tool Guide Types of Garden Tillers

Types of Garden Tillers
There are three different types of medium sized garden tillers and the differences are where the tilling tines are located.

Front and Mid Tine garden tillers normally have the shallowest depths while the mid or center tine tillers tend to be easier to handle.

Rear Tine garden tillers have the deepest reach into the soil but they are also difficult to handle and require more strength.


Gasoline or Electric Garden Tillers

Electric tillers that are …

How To – Repairing or Replacing a Bathtub Drain Popup

Clogs in your bathroom are a problem that everyone will run into eventually. The most common is your toilet and then your sink but over time a clog in your bathtub will build up but luckily cleaning it out is not that hard to do.

There are two different types of bathtub drains. The first type is a manual popup that you need to pull up and twist to open. The second type works remotely …

How To – Using Pesticides to protect your home and garden from bugs and grubs

Your lawn is really just a jungle for a variety of different pests and when they get hungry they can cause your grass problems and if they get real hungry they may start coming inside your home.

Preventing pests is easier then curing an infestation. Unfortunately because of the vast number of pests in your garden and the ones that go untreated in your neighbors yard the best you can hope for is a manageable …

How To – Extending the life of Store bought Produce Vegetables

Everything is going up in price and it will be a trend that never reverses… unfortunately when you can’t rely on your garden for fresh vegetables you will have to buy what you can and look for the best deals.

Most stores will have rotating sales for their produce offerings.. I have found a few local stores that will put bananas on sale one day a week just to get customers shopping. This is a …